Taking Off the Bandage: A Christian "White Privileged" Male's Perspective

Taking off the Bandage: A Christian "White Privileged" Male's Perspective
Slavery is an unfortunate and an exceptional aspect of the “American Experiment”. One that must be treated with care, wisdom, compassion, and truth. The absolute horrific conditions that those specific accounts we have read the past couple weeks do tear at your heartstrings. However, like God shows time and time again. Through the ashes and pain, hope can be found and that Divine thread of humanity can be found in the dastardliness examples of human history. It is through that Divine thread that we can examine the truth of the history of our country as well as develop a framework to heal, grow, and never forget. Sometimes, the hardest thing to do is to forgive.
It is my opinion that until the truth of slavery has been examined, owned, and paid for by many of us, the descendants of the generations who participated in this travesty. As well as for those generations affected to gather courage and seek the important act of forgiveness. It is not until then, I believe, that we can finally take the bandage off the wound, let it have some air, and allow God to start healing that wound with forgiveness, truth, and compassion. The bandage itself is only masking the problem. We need to all allow the light to shine upon that wound and allow repentance and forgiveness time to heal this wound. If we do not do both of these things to happen, the ever-growing rift between us Americans will never be allowed to heal. This is the only way for us to “move on”.
I do believe that although one side had perpetrated the original hurt, the other side must “become the bigger person”, and grant forgiveness. If not, in essence the slave mentality continues to make you a slave until you embrace the gift of forgiveness. Forgiveness is not for your oppressors; it is for your own self-healing. When I see the pain being spread through hate to generations of fellow Americans whom is guilt is only that of ancestry. I find the wound will never heal.
Imagine if Jesus had taught “Continue to hate all generations of those who crucified, abandoned, and forsake me”. Rather than, “Love your neighbor as yourself”? We have the answer to heal from all those stories of the struggle for survival in the slave story. The answer is to first own what our ancestors did. This will affirm the issue. Then the oppressor must take that incredible leap of forgiveness. It is the only way I see the rift in this country to heal. The only way for this wound to heal is with the love and wisdom that lies in the gospel.
Unfortunately, I am a Caucasian, I cannot do the forgiving. Besides forgiving the hate I feel from African-Americans as I walk down any street in Albany NY. It feels like I am being judged for my ancestor’s sin and Jesus made clear that was not fair. Are you responsible for your parent's mistakes? However, as I passionately wait for my brothers and sisters to grow into that difficult process of forgiveness. I will be compassionate and pray for me to cause as little harm as possible and to make sure that I show Christ’s love in all my actions. Sometimes the “bigger man”, is not the one who forgives. It is the one who knows that forgiveness is the only answer for the generations to heal, but is patient enough to encourage, support, and invite that person into the light and freedom of forgiveness.
A wise woman once told me that life was simple. "You are either part of the problem or part of the solution, which one are you?" Next time you want to join an ethnic or culture empower group I beg you to examine what their mission is. Is it part of the solution or part of the problem. I love all people, but I am sick and tired of being discriminated against because of my ancestors actions and your unhappiness. The ONLY person who can deliver you from you......is you. Forgiveness for others and forgiveness for yourself are both radical ways for us ALL Americans to heal and move into a new tomorrow. One full of more love and less hate, compassion and less judging, and more listening instead of more talking.
So? Which part are you a part of? The Solution....or the Problem? If you ever want to vent to someone who WILL listen and who WILL speak the truth in love....I am here. God Bless America


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